Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm bad at April Fools

I'm bad at practical jokes and bad at posting on April Fools too. Yesterday was my friend Mike's birthday and my brother was in town. I had a great night... making waking up at 7am this morning to babysit for 8 hours a horrrrrible time. Tonight is the Arctic Monkeys show.... a;lfj;lafjlasjflsdf;lalfjas EXCITED!

30 Days of Blogging
A fictional book - Einsteins Dreams
That is the book I'm reading now. So far so confusing but good. Haa.


Fé... said...

Me too, I'm not good at April fool. In fact, I've always got busted. It may sound very stupid, but I don't even know how to make up good lies, not to mention totally innocent facial expression. Nobody would buy my lies :p

Cool pictures btw, love the deep blue color that you two are wearing. Happy April Fool and Easter! Have fun!

maddy said...

Have fun at the arctic monkeys show!! I'm quite jealous!!! love your outfit :)

stay classy lady,

FashionJazz said...

Luv ur jeans! xx

Pia said...

love that color on you.

in truth, i'm terrified of april fools day. and that is just foolish. haha